Outsourced Collections
Your complete solution to all your credit management needs.
You will find our team qualified, experienced and knowledgeable to give you peace of mind when you outsource your credit control to us.
Your customers will receive all communications from us that are customer focused, targeted and structured. Our team are trained to develop the customer relationship whilst following collection strategies agreed with you to obtain payment promptly.
Outsourcing Credit Control
You will find our service is tailor made to suit your business needs. We have a proven track record in resolving issues such as disputed invoices and misallocations of receipts, improving collections and reducing your risk to bad debt.
We understand that positive relationships with your customers is vital to the running of your business; through our service we continually strive to add to your business relationships, in no circumstance will we detract from it.
You will receive regular reports to keep you fully updated with progress, collection projections, disputes and accounts to be escalated.
What’s more is your customers need never know you outsource your collections to us; all our communications can be carried out seamlessly in your company’s name on all collection’s platforms: post, telephone and email.
If you have a problematic ledger, hand it to us with confidence. We have significant experience in resolving misallocation of receipts, reconciling accounts and effectively dealing with disputed debts along with other issues that impact your ability to collect payment from your customers quickly.
We can also assist you in taking legal action against your debtor to reduce the need and cost of engaging solicitors.
Our outsourced collections service includes:
- Credit control activity carried out seamlessly in your company’s name.
- The optional service of mapping one of your geographic telephone numbers to our telephone system where incoming calls will be answered in your company’s name (at no additional cost).
- Credit checks and monitoring of all existing and potential customers.
- Assistance with credit limit setting and risk management.
- Liaising with invoice finance and credit insurance companies.
- We agree collection strategy & process with you at the outset to reduce any management time required by you.
- A regular review of your ledger with you to discuss escalation of delinquent debts.
- Regular reporting of collection activity to ensure you are continually in the loop regarding all communications with your clients.
- Regular cash projections.
- Regular disputed invoice report to summarise any outstanding actions required.
- Administration of ‘Credit Hold’ process if suitable for your business.
- Final Demand letters from CMG UK to your customer.
- Assistance to take legal action against debtors through the court process and enforcement.
Our team has extensive experience working in the following sectors:
Manufacturing, legal, IT, publishing and events, facilities management, care, mail distribution, accountancy, and service providers in various sectors.
We also have expert knowledge in:
- Construction– experienced of working for Subcontractors. Good understanding of contract law to assist negotiating payment with Quantity surveyors on applications for payment and final accounts. Also experienced in CIS and reverse VAT.
- Recruitment – proficient in temporary worker ledgers including supply to public sector and permanent placement ledgers including effectively dealing with back door hiring disputes.
The benefits of outsourcing your credit control to CMG UK
- We cover all aspects of B2B Credit Management, including credit risk, liaising with credit insurers and with invoice financiers.
- Customer payments are credited directly to your bank account so you remain in control.
- Our service provides reduced overheads compared to an additional in-house employee and far less cost than employing a person of a similar calibre to the CMG UK team.
- Little to no management time required by you, our approach is agreed at the outset with you and we provide regular reporting to keep you informed of all progress.
- We are experienced in all sectors that include construction, legal, recruitment and manufacturing amongst others.
- All collection activities are carried out in a customer focused, ethical and legal way; we value your relationship with your clients as well as our own reputation.
- We have a proven track record of significantly reducing debtor days significantly therefore increasing ROI.
Unlike many other outsourced credit control providers, our costs are calculated by time spent on your collections rather than per customer; we find that this is the fairest way to charge for our service as it enables us to keep the pressure on delinquent customers without having to halt collection activity because we have run out of chargeable time. Conversely, you don’t pay an additional premium when payment is received after only one contact with a customer. Our prices start from £597 + VAT per month.
Download our guide to Outsourced Collections
Please don’t hesitate, contact us now; we are more than happy to offer you a free, no obligation discussion of how outsourcing your credit management function to CMG UK can improve your cash flow and reduce your risk to bad debt.
For more details, contact us on
03332 413 203