7th January 2019 | by Jenny Esau | Consultancy, News and Advice
Welcome to our December Credit Management Industry News blog. We have given you snippets of the latest topics that we hope are of interest to you and provide information to help with your business. If there is anything you would like to see more of in our round ups let us know: CREDIT MANAGEMENT Housing Market […]
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2nd May 2018 | by Jenny Esau | Consultancy, News and Advice, Outsourced Collections
You will have seen a lot of information relating to the new GDPR compliance coming into force in May. Most large businesses have had programs in place since the new year to ensure they comply when the time comes. Businesses have set up their internal processes to ensure data is mapped and privacy policies have […]
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21st March 2018 | by Jenny Esau | Consultancy, News and Advice, Toolkit
Figures released in 2017 by the Registry Trust have shown that Businesses in England and Wales faced the first rise in CCJ in 8 years. There are a number of ways you can help to protect your business from becoming one of the statics and good processes and procedures for credit management is one of […]
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7th April 2016 | by Jenny Esau | Consultancy, News and Advice
Offering credit to a customer is risky business, but more often than not it is a necessary risk in order to stay competitive in their field. If I liken a credit risk policy to a sat nav, it should direct you from the moment you get in your car (agree your contract with a prospective […]
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