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Recruitment Backdoor hiring- episode 1

Back door hiring effects many recruitment firms. This is where an employer takes on a candidate that you have introduced, without telling you, in an attempt to avoid paying the agreed fee Backdoor hires like this can happen if you have sent a CV with the candidates’ personal details on them.  It can also happen […]

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How to Improve your Business’ Order to Cash Process

Order to Cash Process 2

It is a wide spread misconception that credit management is solely based around the collection of overdue invoices, when in fact the scope of effective credit management encompasses the entire process from order to payment. Anything that happens before payment is received can impact a company’s ability to get paid. To reduce your risk of […]

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A Guide to Dispute Resolution in Business

dispute resolution in business

The dreaded disputed invoice can cause havoc within any business when trying to find resolution without the correct procedures in place to deal with it effectively. How well you handle a dispute can have significant impact on your customer relationship further down the line; when genuine disputes occur, your customer will want to be treated […]

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What should be included in invoices you send, to ensure quick payment?

Late Payments of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013

When creating an invoice you should always try to include the items below. This will leave no un-answered questions and should ensure swift payment.  Label the document as – Invoice Identify the document with the word ‘invoice’ this will differentiate it from any other correspondence like a credit note or receipt. Addresses Ensure your details […]

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Six Ways to Improve Cash Flow in the New Year

Credit management best practice

Making resolutions for your business can be a great way to start off the New Year, however in order to ensure you stick with the resolutions you firstly need to understand how you can bring them to fruition. Many business owners and managers will make the resolution to improve cash flow in the business during […]

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Should you be reassessing your credit management process?

late or non-payment

Offering credit to customers will always pose risks to your business, however having the most effective credit management process in place will significantly reduce this risk and your cash flow will ultimately benefit. Every business should continually monitor their credit management activity so that any downfalls in the process can be addressed promptly; poorly executed […]

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Are you making these four B2B credit management mistakes?

10 credit management facts

Within my 30 years’ experience in the credit management profession, I have seen many mistakes made in B2B credit management; these mistakes, if not rectified, run the risk of negatively impacting cash flow and customer relationships. Here are just four of these mistakes: Terms and Conditions Many businesses find attaching their terms and conditions to […]

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What Should You Do When Considering Invoice Finance?

Considering invoice finance

Considering invoice finance for any business should take a substantial amount of evaluation as to the best solution for your business, or if invoice finance is even right for your business. It is not a decision to take lightly as this will ultimately affect the cash flow of your business, so you need to be […]

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