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News and Advice

Get Paid Faster With These Six Credit Management Tricks

get paid faster

Getting paid on time is an ideal situation for any business that offers credit to their customers; but unfortunately this is not the case for many businesses throughout the UK. Late payment can, at times, be done in all innocence but others will provide spurious excuses as to why you have not received payment, or […]

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Tips for Dispute Resolution in Business

dispute resolution in business

Having the knowledge and procedures in place to for dispute resolution in business can save a lot of time and effort that could be spent on other parts of your business. The trick is to identify disputes early so resolution is found quickly, and ensuring that you are still paid on time. The Order to […]

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Agreeing Commercial Credit Payment Plans

credit management debtor days

Agreeing payment plans with delinquent customers is a common part of credit control. We’ve included some guidelines to help you get the best outcome for your company and to make consequences of defaulting on the agreement clear to your customer. If you follow the above guidelines, you should be confident of getting paid, or if […]

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How to Incorporate Credit Risk Management in Business

credit risk management in business

When budding entrepreneurs decide to be the next Mark Zuckerberg, dreaming of creating a vast business empire and billions in sales, the last thing they usually think about is the financial risk to their business and to them personally. Some may find the thought of managing financial risk daunting, but it should be straight forward. […]

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January 2024 Commercial Credit Management News

Outsourced commercial Credit Industry News Roundup

We hope this blog finds you well. If there is anything you would like to see more of in our round ups from more Credit Management Hints & Tips to help on E-learning webinars let us know: COMMERCIAL CREDIT MANAGEMENT Demand for guarantee backed SME finance rose by 68% in 2023 Fifth of SMEs want […]

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What should be included in invoices you send, to ensure quick payment?

Late Payments of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013

When creating an invoice you should always try to include the items below. This will leave no un-answered questions and should ensure swift payment.  Label the document as – Invoice Identify the document with the word ‘invoice’ this will differentiate it from any other correspondence like a credit note or receipt. Addresses Ensure your details […]

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Late Payments of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013

Credit management best practice

Debtors Guide Q & A Where the Act is to be enforced Why the ACT? The legislation fulfils the UK’s obligations under the European Directive on combating late payment of commercial transactions. The UK was one of the first countries in the EU to implement late payment legislation and maintains this legislation after Brexit. The […]

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